Friday 17 December 2010

Evaluation question 7

During the preliminary task I have learnt many key skills, which will be of use to me when creating the actual course work magazine.

I had used a camera before , however I was not aware of all the techniques and angles that were required. Now I fell more confident and capable that I understand all the shot angles.

While creating my contents page for the prelim task I used pages the Mac software which is similar to Microsoft words however more advanced, I was really surprised with how much it allowed me to excel while creating my contents page, it has many features such as the image framer which allowed me to make the images more visually pleasing.

Using Photo shot was by far the most important skill I inherited from the prelim task, before i took up media I wasn’t capable of using Photo shop, during the prelim task i learnt allot about photo shop, now i fell confident that i can create front covers and others forms of media effectively.

Evaluation question 6

Photo shop: Before I started media studies I had no idea how to use Adobe Photoshop, learning how to use Photoshop has by far been the most important skill I have gained, I feel more confident now when using Photoshop.  

Pages : Pages  is a clever piece of software similar to Microsoft word, however more advanced because it allows the user to be creative and allows the user to be more expressive as more things can be accomplished, such as creating personalized back rounds, moving texts and images freely and creating shapes and filling them in with personalized images.

E blogger : Blogging has been useful because rather than just writing an essay I am able to blog shorter and much more precise entries, furthermore it allows me to be more expressive as it allows me at any time to write my thoughts and further developments down. Another useful feature of a blog when compared to an essay is that with a blog a user can keep adding to their blogs.

Flickr: This software is effective because it allowed me to upload photoshop and Pages document onto my blog, 

Evaluation question 5

My magazine will attract its target audience through different techniques.  Firstly the colours of the Mast head and lures are vibrant which will attract readers , because when customers are looking at a large range of magazines , central magazine stands out, the pink text behind the blue back round attracts people, both boys and girls because pink represents girls and blue represents boys. Secondly the design and lay out of my magazine is unique there is one large image and all the text is composed around the one image which attracts the, this is why it is crucial for my front cover image to be effective and representative of my music genre.

Evaluation question 4

My magazine (Central) will be a hip-hop based magazine, targeting older teens (16-19). I believe my magazine to be gender neutral because the colours I use are pink for the text and blue for my back round, pink represents girls and blue represents boys which always Central magazine to attract a large range of customers.

Although the magazine will be promoting a male rapper the colours used in my magazine and the topics discussed is for both sexes.
If I were to summaries my target audience, I would say black or white teenager, who is in full time education, because it is still a magazine with quite a bit of literature, interested in Hip hop/ R n B, buys albums regularly and although it is gender neutral, most likely my biggest customers will be males.

Evaluation question 3

My music magazine will be distributed in large super markets and entertainment stores for many reasons.
·         The magazine will be more accessible for customers.
·         There will be more Potential customers
·         The magazine will be viewed by a larger audience
·         The magazine is more likely to be bought in a super market rather than a regular small business, this is because the most magazines sold in the UK are in the supermarkets such as Tesco.

Evaluaton question 2

My music magazine represents teenagers: from a less well off back round who aspire to free themselves from the poverty trap they are in. My magazine accomplishes this through the artists it promotes, for example people such as Jay Z and Eminem were from a poor back round but managed to become very successful. My magazine represents teenagers who live in big cities and are trying to make a breakthrough or are just simply interested in hip –hop and look up to rappers and see them as role models.

Evaluation Question 1

Evaluation question 1
My chosen genre for my music magazine is Hip-hop. I researched two hip-hop magazines Vibe and XXL, analysed their front covers and contents pages. Furthermore I researched unrelated genre magazines as well to see the different varieties   in the market such as Kerrrang and Mixmag.
From the research I conducted it was evident all the magazines that I analysed, no matter which genre they all followed the basic forms and conventions (price, issue number, mast head,headingluresand a main image)

The magazine I will be creating will include all the basic conventions however there will be no additional competition type topic in my magazine, this is because from the research I did into the hip-hop genre it was rare to come across any competition/ quiz.

For the contents page I realised there was quite allot of text and one main image, for my magazine I will be creating a contents page consisting of a couple of images and bullet points rather than paragraphs.

Overall my magazine will go along the lines of the existing magazine conventions, my magazine is a hip-hop based magazine and when compared to existing magazines my magazine (Central) is quite similar and reflects the same forms and conventions of the ones on sale.

Vibe magazine front cover

XXL magazine front cover

Skills i gained during the preliminary task which helped during the magazine production

Skills i have gained

During the prelimenery task i have learnt many key skills, which will be of use to me when creating the actual course work magazine.

I used to use a camera before i even began media studuies, however i was not aware of all the techniques and angles that were requiored. now i fell more confident a nd capable that i understand all the shot angles.

While creating my contents page for the prelim task I used pages the Mac software which is similar to Microsoft words however mor advanced, i was really suprised with how much it allowed me to excell while creating my contents page, it has many features such as the image framer which allowed me to make the images more visually pleasing.

Using Photo shot was by far the most important skill i inherited from the the prelim task, before i took up media i wasnt capable of using Photo shop, during the prelim task i learnt aloot about photo shop, now i fell confident that i can create front covers and others forms of media effectivly.

Friday 19 November 2010

Example of contents page

        This is a contents page from vibe, there is quite allot more writing than i expected to be in an hip hop based magazine. when creating my own contents page for my magazine it will be mainly bullet pointins describing the feartues contained in the magazine rather than large chunks of text. In addition  I will be including a picture of the magazine editor.

Wednesday 10 November 2010

Example of front cover

The font of this magazine is large and red which makes it stand out, like most hip hop / r n b magazines bold fonts are used.

With most hip hop magazines large generally close up images are used, normally there is only one large image, which is what the main article will be about.

There are many lures placed on the side of the magazine, they are mostly short, catchy and the literature is basic.

Sunday 31 October 2010

Central, my Hip hop genre based magazine.

The magazine i will be creating will be called Central it will be a hip-hop based magazine targeted to older teens (16-19). I believe my magazine to be more of a male attraction becasue the magazine will be promoting a male rapper.
If i were to sterio type my target audience, i would say: 16-19 year old black or white teenager, who is in full time education, because it is still a magazine with quite a bit of literature, intrested in Hip hop/ R n B, the magazine will be produced on a per monthly basis.

The magazine front cover from (Vibe) is roughly what i want my magazine to look like, a large image of the artist i will be promoting, mast head, heading and a couple of lures.

Examples of magazines from my genre

Magazine research

My music magazine will be hip hop based, this is why i have been researching magazines on this genre, Vibe and XXL are two of the magazines that are similar to what i want to create.

Saturday 30 October 2010

media tools

In our media lessons we have been using Adobe photo shop to create a front cover for the magazine i will be creating, it was the first time i used photo shop, in class we went through the basics such as layers and the basic tools on photo shop such as text and other functions.

Prelim tasks

In class we have been studying all forms of camera angles which will help when creating a magazine, the camera angles include
  • Long shots
  • Medium shots
  • Close ups
we have been studying other aspects of images, for example an image of someone from above gives a scence of superiority.

To create my contents page i used a software calle pages, it is a Mac software which is much more advanced than microsoft word as it can be used to more creative. for example images can be framed. images can also be moved around freely for example an image could be set  behind a text.

Taking photos for prelim

For my magazine front cover we went out in groups to take pictures, the task was to take a mid shot of a student, we also  took pictures for the contents page. This involved me and two other students going around the school taking pictures which would promote the school in a positive way, for example the green spaces, the scool astro turf, gym and the canteen. theese pictures i used will be on the contents page.

Friday 29 October 2010

Media preliminary task

for my media prelim, which is a part of the course work, i will be designing a 2 page mock up of a magazine it will include
  • a front cover
  • a contents page

This is my media prelim front cover

Wednesday 6 October 2010

Introduction to media blogging.

I am cihan oguz studying media at Acland Burghley. I am blogging for my media course work. , in which I will be creating a music magazine, which consists of a front cover, contents page and a double page of an article based on an atrtist Iwill be creating. To get used to the concept we will be completing a pleminery task, this is where i will be creating a mock up of a  school magazine front cover on photo shop, whith a medium shot of a student i will be taking the picturer of. Secondly i will create a mock up of a contents page on a software called Pages.