Friday 17 December 2010

Skills i gained during the preliminary task which helped during the magazine production

Skills i have gained

During the prelimenery task i have learnt many key skills, which will be of use to me when creating the actual course work magazine.

I used to use a camera before i even began media studuies, however i was not aware of all the techniques and angles that were requiored. now i fell more confident a nd capable that i understand all the shot angles.

While creating my contents page for the prelim task I used pages the Mac software which is similar to Microsoft words however mor advanced, i was really suprised with how much it allowed me to excell while creating my contents page, it has many features such as the image framer which allowed me to make the images more visually pleasing.

Using Photo shot was by far the most important skill i inherited from the the prelim task, before i took up media i wasnt capable of using Photo shop, during the prelim task i learnt aloot about photo shop, now i fell confident that i can create front covers and others forms of media effectivly.

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