Friday 17 December 2010

Evaluation question 6

Photo shop: Before I started media studies I had no idea how to use Adobe Photoshop, learning how to use Photoshop has by far been the most important skill I have gained, I feel more confident now when using Photoshop.  

Pages : Pages  is a clever piece of software similar to Microsoft word, however more advanced because it allows the user to be creative and allows the user to be more expressive as more things can be accomplished, such as creating personalized back rounds, moving texts and images freely and creating shapes and filling them in with personalized images.

E blogger : Blogging has been useful because rather than just writing an essay I am able to blog shorter and much more precise entries, furthermore it allows me to be more expressive as it allows me at any time to write my thoughts and further developments down. Another useful feature of a blog when compared to an essay is that with a blog a user can keep adding to their blogs.

Flickr: This software is effective because it allowed me to upload photoshop and Pages document onto my blog, 

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